Digital training in the master's programs in public universities of the Andean community


Amalia Torres-Chipana
Universidad César Vallejo
Carlos Coacalla-Castillo
Universidad Hipócrates
Pedro Vera-Maldonado
Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes
Roxana Calla-Chumpisuca
Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurímac


The use of new technologies at the university level is essential for professional training in the XXI century, where the teacher is a key player. In this sense, the present research aims to analyze digital training in master's degree programs in public universities in the member countries of the Andean Community (CAN) in the areas of education, social sciences and humanities. For this purpose, master's degree programs were reviewed considering those with a published curriculum. The results show that 41.3% of the master's programs evaluated in the CAN offer training courses in digital skills, 15.4% offer training in specific programs and 43.2% do not offer training in digital competencies. It was concluded that the training in digital skills proposed by the master's programs in the CAN is still scarce; therefore, it is recommended to promote regional policies aimed at reducing the gaps in digital skills.



February 29, 2024


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Cómo citar

(Ed.). (2024). Digital training in the master’s programs in public universities of the Andean community. In Actas del II Congreso Internacional de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología INUDI – UH, 2024 (pp. 504-520). Instituto Universitario de Innovación Ciencia y Tecnología Inudi Perú.