Mixed Methods Research for Beginners.
methodology, mixed method, qualitative techniques, quantitative techniquesSynopsis
This book aims to highlight the importance and benefits of using mixed methods in research, theses, and academic articles. It is intended for those seeking to expand their knowledge of research methods and understand the benefits and relevance of employing mixed methods in their studies and academic work. Mixed methods combine qualitative and quantitative approaches, allowing for a more enriching and comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. One of the main benefits of mixed methods is that they can broaden the understanding of the research phenomenon. Qualitative approaches provide an in-depth exploration of participants' experiences and perspectives, while quantitative approaches enable generalization and the establishment of relationships between variables. By combining both approaches, a more contextualized and complete picture of the phenomenon is obtained, leveraging their strengths and compensating for their limitations, resulting in rigorous and comprehensive research that combines in-depth understanding and rigorous statistical generalizations. Additionally, it allows for the validation and triangulation of findings, enhancing the reliability and validity of the research. In conclusion, the use of mixed methods in academic research offers multiple benefits, including expanded understanding, cross-validation, complementarity, and addressing complex research questions. These methods are a valuable choice for those seeking to conduct rigorous and meaningful investigations.
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