Data mining para determinar patrones del comportamiento de datos meteorológicos
meteorological variables, meteorological patterns, meteorological behavior, data miningSynopsis
The book is an adaptation of an investigation presented to the National University of Huancavelica, which aimed to determine patterns of behavior of data obtained through these techniques, of the meteorological variables in the city of Huancavelica (Peru) such as: ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric humidity, wind speed, solar radiation, ultraviolet radiation and rainfall using an automated weather station from the Weather Link company, DAVIS brand, Vantage Pro model and a Vantage Pro data storage console in text plane and that were later processed, described and analyzed using the SPSS Statistical and WRPLOT software in the particular case of the wind direction variable and for the determination of behaviors and patterns the CRISP-DM methodology was used. The results obtained were a cluster of meteorological variables with unsupervised learning algorithms and predictions of the rainfall variable with supervised learning algorithms, obtaining 84.9% probability of success in the forecast and in the case of the clusters groups of four and ten significantly different.
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