Family and school in Peru
family, schools, PeruSynopsis
Regarding family participation in school education, in recent years, different researchers and institutions have considered the importance of its analysis because benefits have been found related to the comprehensive improvement in the development of students, the educational institution, the family and society. general. In this context, this research has the general objective of understanding the current situation of family participation in Peruvian school education, through the following specific objectives: a) Identify those responsible for the ministries and organizations that work in education and the participation of families; b) Analyze and systematize the laws, policies or programs regarding family participation in school education; c) Explain the current conditions of family participation in school education in Peru. This study is based on the review and analysis of information in the field of family participation through the review of legal documents, reports, research, etc. In this way, this study offers a systematization of the information collected, through a documentary analysis of the content of the study topics. This work is structured in three parts. In the first part, the methodological framework of the study and the conceptual framework are presented, where a review of the literature is carried out on the conceptualization, the types or models, and the benefits of family participation in the school education of children. In the second part, the analysis of the conditions of family participation in Peruvian school education is carried out, through the revision of Legal Norms such as the Political Constitution, the General Law of Education, the Law of Association of Parents of Family, among others. . Likewise, the study of different reports and investigations where the practice of family participation has materialized is added. The third part offers a series of conclusions and recommendations that may be useful for the orientation and implementation of policies and programs for family participation in the school education of children.
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