Actas del Congreso Internacional de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología (INUDI – UH, 2022)
Este Congreso tiene por finalidad socializar experiencias científicas, conocer los enfoques y la aplicabilidad de resultados en innovación, ciencia y tecnología en las áreas de ciencias sociales, ciencias de la ingeniería, salud pública y desarrollo tecnológico.
La Universidad Hipócrates de México y el Instituto Universitario de Innovación Ciencia y Tecnología Inudi Perú unen las fuerzas para llevar adelante este gran evento académico-científico.
Innovative educational practices in higher education: a systematic review
Learning ecosystem in pandemic, student connectivity review: Case study Veracruzana Pedagogical University
Effect of ethanol extract and infusion of Aloysia triphylla and Matricaria chamonilla on strains of Prevotella intermedia
Proposals and resources for suicide prevention in high schools
Hybrid Model of Regional Educational Identity for marginalized areas in the Otomí Tepehua region, Mexico
Psychotherapeutic and deontological criticism of the residential system for addictions in Ecuador
The virtual laboratory "Crocodile Chemistry" as a didactic strategy for learning chemistry
Soft skills in the context of police education in Colombia: a theoretical review
Instrument content validity: Evaluation of municipal administrative management based on intelligent organizations
Socio-family climate and its relationship with social skills in adolescents
Perception of the condition of oral health in the quality of life in schoolchildren from 8 to 10 years of age in rural Peru
The original mitayos in the colonial mines of the Bolivian Peruvian highlands
Are FTAs catalysts for the effect of exports on GDP? Peruvian exports to Asia Pacific
FOMO syndrome and degeneration of the writing of written texts in regular basic education students
Antioxidant capacity of cookies made from unconventional sources
Lifestyles and stress in relation to academic performance in high school students
Mental health in nursing staff in high Andean hospitals in the context of COVID-19
Dance as a strategy for the comprehensive development of students
Gamification and the evaluation of learning in higher education
Self-sustainability in the y production of products based on recycled paper
Periodontal status during pregnancy and puerperium in the Peruvian highlands
Methodological design to determine energy saving strategies in educational physical infrastructure
Methodological design to determine energy saving strategies in educational physical infrastructure
Alcohol consumption and resilience in adolescents from a peruvian secondary school
Study on knowledge in financial education of business science students in Mexico
Music as a triggering factor in the design of learning environments for the development of socio-emotional skills
Tutor competencies and status of tutoring areas in secondary school students of a Peruvian public university
Critical thinking and writing argumentative texts in undergraduate students
“Los Cocos” condominium, a heritage example of bioclimatic design in Acapulco, Mexico
Cerebral prevalence and academic performance in university students in the Andes, Peru
Safety management system and risk prevention in laboratories of educational Institutions
Challenge 66: Promotion of the habit of physical activity and healthy lifestyles, for the prevention of childhood overweight and obesity in the state of Guerrero, Mexico
Critical study: The social factors that influence the crime among adolescents from 12 to 17 years of age in the crime of robbery, in Acapulco de Juárez, Mexico
Inca society principles: Ama Quella, Ama Sua, Ama Llulla and the development of good coexistence in Andean students
Coffeeshop, mobile application for the systematization of the cafeterias of the Hipócrates University
Level of physical activity and obesity in secondary students
Critical study on the factors that influenced the recognition of same-sex marriage in the State of Guerrero, Mexico
Accreditation and teaching performance in secondary educational institutions of the Chucuito Peninsula, Peru
Self-care associated with social, cultural and health conditions in pregnant women with and without anemia in Puno, Peru
Representaciones identitarias sobre el ejercicio de la docencia universitaria en contextos de formación no presencial. Caso universidad peruana
Usual teaching strategies in Aymara rural schools
Factors associated with metabolic syndrome in children from 6 to 12 years of age from a Peruvian hospital
Investigative attitude and argumentative exercise in incoming students at the National University of the Altiplano, Peru

— Updated on December 5, 2022
Copyright (c) 2022 Wilson Sucari, Antonio Flores, Patty Aza; José Soriano-Sánchez, David Jiménez
How to Cite
Sucari, W., Flores, A., Aza, P., Soriano-Sánchez, J., Jiménez, D., González, G., Valencia, O., Condori, K., Apaza, M., Padilla-Cáceres, T., Páramo, D., Díaz-Hernández, F., Arenas, F., Lozano, R., Amador, M., Sánchez-Herrera, R., Tarqui-Silva, L., Chonillo-Sislema, L., Cervantes, L., … Ramos, F. (2022). Actas del Congreso Internacional de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología (INUDI – UH, 2022). Instituto Universitario de Innovación Ciencia y Tecnología Inudi Perú.